Product Details for Material from Terronic - FY9177 - Terronic studio umbrella T-185

FY9177 Terronic Terronic studio umbrella T-185

Part Nnumber
Terronic studio umbrella T-185
Basic price
43,37 EUR

The product with part number FY9177 (Terronic studio umbrella T-185) is from company Terronic and distributed with basic unit price 43,37 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Umbrella - Translucent 185 cm Studio translucent umbrella transmits diffuse light and the result is softer shadows and more even illumination space. The larger the area of \\u200b\\u200bthe umbrella, the diffuse light gives. The landscape is similar phenomenon can be observed, for example, on a cloudy day, which gives a low contrast scene without sharp shadows. The actual photographic project may lead to the use of the umbrella studio and outdoors. Specifications: Diameter studio umbrella: 185 cm. Specifications: Compare Type - Color Neuvedeno

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